Wednesday 27 April 2011

Lights, Camera, Effects! Green Lantern given $9m to boost effects.

Yep, it’s true.  The studios are concerned that the mask of the Green Lantern aren’t up to spec so they are injecting some extra cash in to improve the entirely CGI suit of our hero.  The catch?  Well they’ve only 2-3 months until the film is released.

This isn’t particularly unusual for films.  Captain America has had to shout up to the 11th hour to get in some final scenes, and they’re still going now according to the rumour mill. 

The consequences of all this however is in the fact that the last minute touch ups are showing concerns about the films graphical capabilities.  Remember for a moment if you will that the Green Lantern will largely be green screen, with next to little real life images and in a lot of scenes the only thing none CGI will be a naked Ryan Reynolds.

This means that it could fall into the now benchmark of horror touch-ups as Clash of the Titans. Whose last minute 3D addition invented 3D-phobia for the 21st century, but of course this isn’t 3D. This then brings to light the catastrophic horror that was the first trailer for the Green Lantern what the studios eventually apologised for. 

Past lessons have taught us that when there is this much last minute tinkering it isn’t usually a good sign.  Though the latest trailer shows more confidence graphically, there has been concerns about the mask.  This could be all it is, just the mask.  Yet then again, the mask could be the cover up to much more seep seeded issues.

Green Lantern is a space epic.  It isn’t just your average super hero film.   It’s also a risky business to add things in last minute.  The likely hood of all these events will be brought about in its summer release.  We can hope for now that the end product wows us, and if it does it will secure another franchise the DC universe can capitalise on, and if not the DC may think twice before rushing post-production again. 

Ben Doran

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