Wednesday 13 April 2011

Rise of the Planet of the Apes: live web chat summary.

Hey guys in case you missed the web chat here is a quick summary.  Visual effect artists Dan Lemmon and Joe Letteri are joined by motion capture actor Andy Serkis who plays the lead Caeser in The Rise of the Planet of the Apes.

Just for your info these are very rough.

Visual effect artists Dan and Joe have said that “the original films are a part of our childhood”.

They have said that their work on Avatar is directly continued to Rise of the Planet of the Apes. Using the facial motion capture they used.

They continue to say that the technology has “given us the opportunity for the performers to be on set the whole time to capture the moment”.

This has helped real life actors to act with their motion capture counter parts on set instead of a CGI counterpart.

The film is also the first time a portable rig for motion capture has been used in broad daylight.

On Caeser they said: “He had to be a real chimp. Partly physical but mostly emotional, we needed to see why he’s different from other chimps. He has to take responsibility for his leadership”.

“We wanted to make this fantastic story believable, it’s the best way to enjoy a film”.

Serkis when interviewed said: “It’s not just about playing physical shapes it’s a very domestic piece”.

“Every single actor in the scene doesn’t think they hidden by special effects. They’re playing a character”.

“It’s all about the sublety. It’s a potent and powerful take on the franchise".

On preparation he said:

There’s a period of training. You have to think how a primate walks, how does Caeser move? Not just a primate. How does Caeser think and feel? He has been brought up by humans not chimps, so his way of connecting is human. It’s a huge key of the character. It’s all about embodying him”.

Rise of the Planet of the Apes is out August this year.

Ben Doran

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