Monday 18 April 2011

Superman Synopsis Revealed


And it’s an origin story alright.  However, file this one under ‘rumour’ for now, albeit a strong rumour.  This source is from Baseline Studio System:

A young reporter named Clark Kent roams the world covering various news stories. When he is compelled to use his secret powers to intervene in a crisis in West Africa, he returns to Smallville to learn more about his origins and the hero he was born to be.

Having Superman have a played out origin story different from the Christopher Reeves fronted movies are exactly what Supes needs.  After all, the facelift treatment what Batman had from Christopher Nolan (Superman’s producer), helped rejuvenate the franchise.  

This plot coincides with Superman comics ‘Birthright’ by Mark Waid.  Wiki’s synopsis for which are:

The story begins with a retelling of the destruction of planet Krypton. Jor-El laments the fact that his world accomplished “miracles no one will remember” while he is busy preparing infant Kal-El’s voyage. Kal-El’s shuttle pod fires into space moments before the planet’s destruction. Jor-El and his wife Lara regret that they will never know if Kal-El survives the journey.

Time winds forward to present day West Africa, where an ethnic conflict between the fictional Ghuri and Turaaba clans is claiming lives (this conflict is very reminiscent of the Hutu and Tutsi wars in Rwanda). Clark Kent, a freelance reporter in his early twenties, arrives to cover the conflict…

Clark returns to Smallville, determined to learn more about his alien heritage. He tells his mother Martha that he wants to unearth his spaceship. He and Martha use the data tablet that came with Clark from Krypton to examine holographic records of Kryptonian history.

The most important element of all of this is that it feels fresh.  They isn’t an over extended plotline and there are new exciting locations; this could be good. 

But before we get too excited notice the similar elements to Smallville the TV series? 
The holographic records and how he wants to learn about his alien heritage, etc.  Well let’s hope that these aren’t brought up too much.  

Hopefully this one will stand on its own and it establishes itself as a Superman for the 21st century.  And most importantly let’s see Supes have some serious threat this time around.  No more ‘oh no he has kryptonite-5 minutes later I’m okay- malarkey.  Please.  

Ben Doran

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